Were You Hurt at Work?

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Getting seriously hurt at work has become so common that the Government established an agency, the Health and Safety Authority, to try and reduce the number of occurrences. Regardless of where you work, it is possible for you to suffer from a serious accident. Of course, some work environments, like construction, have many obvious risks. Yet, accidents can still happen in offices and shops.

Common work accidents include:

  • Industrial accidents;
  • Factory accidents;
  • Slips and falls;
  • Back injuries from lifting;
  • Being exposed to asbestos;
  • Being exposed to toxins; and
  • Sick buildings

Under Irish law, employers must take reasonable action to protect the health and the safety of employees. Employers must provide appropriate training, supervision, a safe work environment, proper machinery, proper equipment, and capable co-workers. If you are hurt at work, your employer may have a legal responsibility to compensate you.

Are You Eligible for Compensation for Your Work Accident?

If you sustain nan injury while at work, your employer may have accident insurance. You have the right to file a claim with the accident insurance company. Often, employees do not file claims because they worry how it may affect their job. Employers have a legal responsiblity to provide you with a safe work environment. Do not allow your employer to threaten you or to talk you out of getting the financial compensation that you deserve for your injuries.

You may be entitled to receive compensation for pain and suffering, lost pay, and other expenses such as:

  • Medical treatment for your injuries;
  • Necessary medical devices and equipment;
  • Physical therapy;
  • Medications;
  • Transportation expenses;
  • Accommodation expenses; and
  • Travel expenses.

It is important for you to know that if your injury was caused by some fault of your own, you may not be entitled to compensation. Call Tiernan & Co. Solicitors on 01-6622822 to discuss your potential case. They can help you determine who is most likely at fault for your work injuries.

Compensation for Industrial Diseases

Industrial diseases are another form of work injury. If you contract a disease because of your job, it can be just as bad as a physical injury. The Health and Safety Authority works to reduce and eliminate industrial diseases by enforcing workplace regulations. The most common industrial diseases are:

  • Dermatitis;
  • Poisoning from chemicals;
  • Metal poisoning;
  • Diseases caused by biological hazards.

To protect yourself on the job, watch for signs that indicate that a particular substance is hazardous. If you become sick because of an industrial disease, contact Tiernan & Co. Solicitors to discuss your potential case.

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What to do next?

Contact us on 01-6622822 for our expert opinion on the strength of your case. You can contact us in any of the following ways:


Tiernan & Co. Solicitors
144 Lower Baggot Street, Dublin 2
Telephone: 01-6622822
Fax: 353 (01) 63 13 783
Email: [email protected]

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