Personal Injury Solicitors

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A personal injury can affect how you live your life on a temporary or permanent basis. You may not be able to work for a short time or for the rest of your life. You may have bills for medical care. You may need long term medical care. Tiernan & Company is a team of personal injury solicitors dedicated to helping injury victims. We work hard to make the accident claims process less stressful for victims and their families.

What Are the Most Common Personal Injury Claims?

Personal injury solicitors help with a wide variety of injury claims. The most common claims include:

  • Injuries or illnesses that happen on the worksite
  • Road traffic accidents
  • Taxi and public transport accidents
  • Accidents involving bicycles
  • Accidents involving motorcycles
  • Accidents involving airplanes
  • Accidents involving large trucks

How Are Injury Claims Handled in Ireland?

Personal injury claims that do not result from medical negligence are required by Irish law to undergo an evaluation with the Injuries Board. Please visit our medical negligence solicitors site for more details. Some assault cases that involve purely psychological injuries may not be required to be evaluated by the Injuries Board.

The purpose of the Injuries Board is to review medical reports and other documentation. The Board provides a suggestion on the amount of compensation that they believe that the victim should receive if they weren’t at fault for their injury. Both the victim and the at-fault party have the option to accept or reject the suggested compensation.

Most parties who file a claim with the Injuries Board do so with the help of a personal injury solicitor. Although it’s not a requirement, it helps victims by ensuring that the proper documentation is submitted. A personal injury solicitor also helps by advising their client on whether the amount of compensation suggested is reasonable and fair.

If either party decides to reject the suggested amount of compensation legal proceedings may be initiated. While the parties wait for their day to appear in front of the Judge, they may undergo another settlement attempt.

However, it’s important for victims to know that there is a time limit to file a personal injury claim. That time limit is two years from the day that you sustain the injury.

What Sort of Information Does the Personal Injury Solicitor Need?

A personal injury solicitor will evaluate the facts surrounding your claim and inform you on whether they believe that you have a viable claim. You’ll need to give the following information to the personal injury solicitor:

  • The details of the accident.
  • Photographs and other evidence related to the injury or injuries you received as a result of the accident.
  • Information about any previous injuries, medical conditions, accidents or claims.
  • Copies of medical bills and other bills that document expenses you had as a result of the accident.
  • If applicable, CCTV footage. If necessary, the personal injury solicitor that you chose can help you get this.
  • Information about the person you believe is at fault for the accident.

This information will be used during the claims process with the Injuries Board. Your personal injury solicitor will help you by completing the application form. The Injuries Board will confirm that they received the application and they will contact the person accused of hurting you. They will also receive a copy of the application form and the medical report. Then, the Injuries Board will assess the case.

During the assessment process, the Injuries Board will look at your documentation and The Book of Quantum. The Book of Quantum includes data from the courts over a certain amount of time. It includes information about compensation that the court approved for various injuries. The compensation estimator will suggest a compensation amount to both you and the other party.

Once you receive the suggestion, you and your personal injury solicitor can discuss whether it is in your best interest to accept the offer. If you do not accept the offer, you can pursue a claim through the court. However, you may be invited to go through the settlement process before you appear before the Judge. The at-fault party is also able to reject the suggestion. If you accept the suggested amount, the at-fault party is ordered to pay you and your claim is permanently closed. You have 28 days to accept or reject the offer. The other party has only 21 days.

What about Out of Pocket Expenses?

When it comes to these claims, out of pocket expenses are referenced as “special damages.” They include things such as medical expenses, travel expenses, and loss of earnings. They are included in the suggested compensation.

What about Pain and Suffering?

Pain and suffering, whether physical or mental, are classified as general damages in the compensation suggestion. How your injury or injuries affect you will help determine the amount you are awarded.

Personal Injury Solicitors Ready to Help Victims

If you are the victim of an accident, Tiernan & Company Solicitors stands by to help. As personal injury solicitors, we have the experience you need to help ensure that you are treated fairly and receive the compensation that you both need and deserve. To learn more and to schedule your claim evaluation, call us on 01-6622822 or use our convenient immediate call back form.

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What to do next?

Contact us on 01-6622822 for our expert opinion on the strength of your case. You can contact us in any of the following ways:


Tiernan & Co. Solicitors
144 Lower Baggot Street, Dublin 2
Telephone: 01-6622822
Fax: 353 (01) 63 13 783
Email: [email protected]

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